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时间:2023-11-24    点击数:

© NUS Dept of Economics | Photography by Lionel Lin

题目:Endogenous persistence at the effective lower bound (有效下限的内生持续性)

报告人:Jordan Roulleau-Pasdeloup  新加坡国立大学








We show that existing tractable New Keynesian (NK) models at the lower bound conflict with Professional Forecaster's data. Accordingly, we study a class of NK models with one endogenous state and where the lower bound endogenously binds for l > 0 periods. We show that the impact multiplier effect of a policy as a function of l obeys a non-linear discrete dynamical system. Guerrieri et al (2014)'s deterministic algorithm arises as a special case. We derive precise conditions for the deterministic multiplier to either converge/diverge. We develop a stochastic algorithm that is guaranteed to converge, which we apply to a NK model with external habit formation.

由于现有的可解新凯恩斯主义(NK)模型在下限条件下与专业预测师的数据存在冲突,本文研究了一类具有一个内生状态并假设下限条件绑定l > 0个时期的NK模型。分析表明:政策的冲击乘数效应是l的函数且遵循一个非线性离散动力系统。进一步地,论证Guerrieri等人(2014)的确定性算法可作为本文模型的一个特例,且推导了政策乘数收敛/发散的解析条件。最后本文提出一个确保模型收敛的随机算法,并将其应用于具有外部习惯形成的NK模型。


Jordan Roulleau-Pasdeloup目前担任新加坡国立大学经济学助理教授、博导。他在CREST/巴黎经济学院取得经济学博士学位,并在洛桑大学进行博士后工作。研究领域包括货币和财政政策的宏观经济影响,以及用于研究宏观政策效果的数理工具。研究成果在Journal of Monetary Economics, the Review of Economic Dynamics, the Economic Journal等期刊上发表